Saturday 6 February 2021

Mind Power Games

 Want a fun way to fix your brain?  Why not use some classic mind games to help boost your brain power and get you out of your thoughts.    Better mind games make you accustomed to using creative problem-solving as a normal part of thinking about things.

  A lateral thought puzzle that you can try now includes nine points, three to three.  All you have to do is connect to four straight lines, and without removing pens or pencils from the paper.  Draw it

  Mind games for the group

  Some group mind games are especially good for long journeys in a car  For example, someone looks out the window and randomly chooses an object.  Everyone in the car is also trying to come up with a new way to make money  Street signs become places to advertise, trees are sold by name, and a truck turns into a traveling shop.

  "Changing perspectives" can be used as a problem-solving game  Choose any topic, and see who can come up with a unique new perspective  Could there be a world where jobs were not needed?  How can a bacterium be able to explain the non-ality bitterness if aware?

  Another creative game for the group uses a specific technique, called a "concept mix."  Just mix interesting interesting ideas or things in an interesting way, and see who has the best idea.  A chair and a microwave?  Maybe a built-in cooler, a microwave and a television, or an easy chair with a microwaveable "coach potato" - a potato snack in the shape of a bad

  More mind games


Some partial-thought puzzles use a scene, realistic or imaginary, you have to use to choose something.  Imagine a ping-pong ball in an iron pipe that is set in cement.  The pipe is two feet high and has the same diameter as the ball  Just a box of Frost-Flex, and a T-shirt, how many ways can you get the ball out of the pipe?  You can also set it up for real to see if a proposed solution will actually work.

  Riddles are just mind games or lateral thoughts  You move sideways in your mind, far from your normal thoughts, to solve a mockery.  What did his friends do when his friends were late for dinner?  Give him a cold shoulder  Isn't it a matter of serious study to keep your brain in shape?

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